
HTTP response header

Header usage statistics

X-Cache-Detail response header information and usage statistics.
Websites using header X-Cache-Detail1,640
Percentage of websites that use X-Cache-Detail header<0.1%
Total discovered header values1,136
Header uses directivesNo
Header values are unique or randomNo
Most popular in the country Germany

X-Cache-Detail Directives

X-Cache-Detail directives value information and usage statistics
DirectiveShareWebsites countUnique Values

X-Cache-Detail header usage distribution by website rank

Geographical Distribution

Header usage distribution by websites across the globe.

Websites utilizing X-Cache-Detail

List of websites that use X-Cache-Detail header
www.infektionsschutz.de Germany5,706
redbot.org Singapore10,202
www.bzga.de Germany14,135
benjamins.com Netherlands22,530
svs.gsfc.nasa.gov United States28,071
www.seg-social.pt Portugal43,115
See full domain list

Common header values

List of top common X-Cache-Detail header values
Header valueValue prevalence
"cache miss: attempting entity save" from parpr0072.32%
"cache miss: attempting entity save" from parpr0052.13%
"Response status 302" from proxy3.cappelen.ravn.no1.71%
"cache miss: attempting entity save" from www.univ-lyon2.fr1.34%
"Response status 403" from www.giordanovini404.it1.22%
"Response status 302" from proxy2.cappelen.ravn.no1.16%
"s-maxage or max-age zero and no Last-Modified or Etag; not cacheable" from vsysweb.com1.04%
"cache miss: attempting entity save" from a.gipco-adns.com0.91%
"cache hit" from proxy2.cappelen.ravn.no0.91%
"cache miss: attempting entity save" from www.helnwein.com0.79%
"Expires header already expired; not cacheable" from proxy3.cappelen.ravn.no0.73%
"cache hit" from proxy3.cappelen.ravn.no0.73%
"Response status 404" from a.gipco-adns.com0.67%
"s-maxage or max-age zero and no Last-Modified or Etag; not cacheable" from ise101000.arena.se1.axiell0.61%
"cache miss: attempting entity save" from
"Response status 404" from ionas.evm.de0.49%
"Expires header already expired; not cacheable" from softorbits.net0.49%
"s-maxage or max-age zero and no Last-Modified or Etag; not cacheable" from ise200107.arena.se1.axiell0.49%
"s-maxage or max-age zero and no Last-Modified or Etag; not cacheable" from ise200106.arena.se1.axiell0.49%
"Expires header already expired; not cacheable" from proxy2.cappelen.ravn.no0.49%