AntiBot Cloud

Category - SaaS, Bot Protection

Free Software and Cloud Based Service to protect PHP websites from bad bots and parsers

We have discovered  15,127 live websites   that are using AntiBot Cloud.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using AntiBot Cloud15,127 websites
Most popular in the country Russia
Market position in SaaS#1
Market penetration in SaaS37.00%
Most popular version7.10

Technology adoption

Recent changes in AntiBot Cloud usage. (See AntiBot Cloud Usage Changes report)
Websites that added AntiBot Cloud+252
Websites that dropped AntiBot Cloud-1,134
Websites that changed version of AntiBot Cloud1,794

AntiBot Cloud usage distribution by website rank

The correlation between utilization of AntiBot Cloud technology and the relative popularity of websites

Geographical Distribution

Technology usage distribution by websites across the globe.

Websites utilizing AntiBot Cloud

Top websites that use AntiBot Cloud
DomainCountryRankContacts GB57,813
xn----8sbjohlgtik3byd.xn--p1ai United States68,487 France88,345 United States151,218 GB188,729 GB323,042
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Editor X: Total 9,748 domains found using Editor X
Iframely: Total 6,815 domains found using Iframely
Zapier: Total 4,241 domains found using Zapier
SharePoint Online: Total 2,177 domains found using SharePoint Online
MyraCloud: Total 1,753 domains found using MyraCloud
FLEXERA: Total 425 domains found using FLEXERA
SAP Concur: Total 359 domains found using SAP Concur
ProdPad: Total 99 domains found using ProdPad
Coupa: Total 84 domains found using Coupa
MyZimbra: Total 66 domains found using MyZimbra

Alternative Names

  • AntiBot.Cloud

Major Versions

  • 5.xx (1 subversions, 95 domains)
  • 7.xx (4 subversions, 4,533 domains)