GoDaddy DNS

Category - Name Server

We have discovered  6,083,590 live websites   that are using GoDaddy DNS.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using GoDaddy DNS6,083,590 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Name Server#1
Market share in Name Server22.79%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in GoDaddy DNS usage. (See GoDaddy DNS Usage Changes report)
Websites that added GoDaddy DNS+63,551
Websites that dropped GoDaddy DNS-65,380

GoDaddy DNS usage distribution by website rank

The correlation between utilization of GoDaddy DNS technology and the relative popularity of websites

Market Share

GoDaddy DNS market share within the Name Server category

Geographical Distribution

Technology usage distribution by websites across the globe.

Websites utilizing GoDaddy DNS

Top websites that use GoDaddy DNS
DomainCountryRankContacts United States193 Germany266 United States484 United States623 France660 France661
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Cloudflare DNS: Total 4,035,991 domains found using Cloudflare DNS
Wix DNS: Total 1,856,894 domains found using Wix DNS
OVH DNS: Total 832,445 domains found using OVH DNS
Strato DNS: Total 745,943 domains found using Strato DNS
Amazon Route 53: Total 731,910 domains found using Amazon Route 53
Namecheap DNS: Total 675,346 domains found using Namecheap DNS
NS1 DNS: Total 572,862 domains found using NS1 DNS
Google Cloud DNS: Total 560,782 domains found using Google Cloud DNS
Sedo DNS: Total 560,229 domains found using Sedo DNS DNS: Total 517,054 domains found using DNS