VKontakte Sign-in

Category - Social login

VKontakte Sign-In is an authentication system that reduces the burden of login for users, by enabling them to sign in with their VK account.

We have discovered  8,478 live websites   that are using VKontakte Sign-in.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using VKontakte Sign-in8,478 websites
Most popular in the country Russia
Market position in Social login#5
Market penetration in Social login0.36%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in VKontakte Sign-in usage. (See VKontakte Sign-in Usage Changes report)
Websites that added VKontakte Sign-in+224
Websites that dropped VKontakte Sign-in-163

VKontakte Sign-in usage distribution by website rank

The correlation between utilization of VKontakte Sign-in technology and the relative popularity of websites

Geographical Distribution

Technology usage distribution by websites across the globe.

Websites utilizing VKontakte Sign-in

Top websites that use VKontakte Sign-in
www.1c-bitrix.ru Russia6,326
donatepay.ru Russia10,581
marketplace.1c-bitrix.ru Russia12,973
www.webnames.ru Russia14,329
m.ok.ru Russia17,413
subscribe.ru Russia22,122
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Facebook SDK: Total 2,089,008 domains found using Facebook SDK
Google Sign-in: Total 173,781 domains found using Google Sign-in
Facebook Sign-in: Total 89,465 domains found using Facebook Sign-in
Apple Sign-in: Total 10,064 domains found using Apple Sign-in
ID.me: Total 8,324 domains found using ID.me
OneAll: Total 6,449 domains found using OneAll
uLogin: Total 5,665 domains found using uLogin
Auth0: Total 5,268 domains found using Auth0
Login with Amazon: Total 5,085 domains found using Login with Amazon
Growave: Total 4,889 domains found using Growave