Autonomous System Number 3320

We have discovered  99,133 live websites that are hosted on AS3320.

AS3320 usage statistics

Websites hosted on AS332099,133 websites
Most popular in the country Germany
AS3320 websites located in Germany96.33%

Websites hosted on AS3320

Top websites that are hosted on AS3320
See full domain list

Geographical Distribution

AS3320 usage distribution by websites across the globe.


United States327 websites

Germany95,490 websites
Switzerland344 websites
Austria280 websites
France217 websites
Netherlands198 websites
China189 websites
GB164 websites
Italy138 websites
Czech Republic135 websites


.de77,330 websites
.com10,692 websites
.net2,676 websites
.eu1,573 websites
.info974 websites
.org941 websites
.ch358 websites
.at320 websites
.fr230 websites
.nl208 websites