Autonomous System Number 48254

We have discovered  175,792 live websites that are hosted on AS48254.

AS48254 usage statistics

Websites hosted on AS48254175,792 websites
Most popular in the country GB
AS48254 websites located in GB91.10%

Websites hosted on AS48254

Top websites that are hosted on AS48254
See full domain list

Geographical Distribution

AS48254 usage distribution by websites across the globe.


United States2,741 websites

GB160,141 websites
Switzerland1,330 websites
Ireland971 websites
India891 websites
Netherlands733 websites
Canada709 websites
Australia603 websites
South Africa577 websites
Greece481 websites


.co.uk84,693 websites
.com55,437 websites
.org.uk7,553 websites
.org5,843 websites
.net3,247 websites
.ch1,343 websites
.info758 websites
.nl714 websites
.com.au524 websites
.ca503 websites