Billing and Invoicing

Billing and Invoicing software automates the process of producing and sending invoices and receiving payments.

We have discovered 34,317 live websites that use Billing and Invoicing.

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Billing and Invoicing usage statistics

Total sites that use Billing and Invoicing34,317 websites
Percentage of website that use category<0.1%
Number of technologies in Billing and Invoicing category12

Category leader Epoch Payment
Fastest Growing Technology LawPay
Most Popular in Country United States

Billing and Invoicing usage by Country

United States26,870 websites

Netherlands4,636 websites
Israel338 websites
Russia328 websites
Germany292 websites
GB270 websites
Romania257 websites
France240 websites
Canada203 websites
Singapore171 websites

Billing and Invoicing usage by TLD

.com26,758 websites
.net1,094 websites
.ru1,013 websites
.org557 websites
.club455 websites
.ca275 websites
.co259 websites
.live250 websites
.io235 websites
.co.uk227 websites

Top Technologies

Top 6 technologies in Billing and Invoicing category (out of 12 total).
TechnologyWebsitesMarket ShareRecent changes
Epoch Payment12,859 37.47% -10
HoneyBook8,265 24.08% +136
LawPay5,713 16.65% +528
17hats3,150 9.18% -53
Paddle2,354 6.86% +294
Chargify788 2.30% +147
See full technology list

Top technology switches

Number of websites that switched technologies within category in the past 3 months

FromToWebsite Count
17hats HoneyBook1

Websites utilizing Billing and Invoicing

Top websites that use Billing and Invoicing
DomainCountryRankContacts United States926 United States1,745 United States1,747 United States2,120 United States2,213 United States4,886
See full domain list