
Parent Category: Widgets

Click-to-call is a form of web-based communication in which a person clicks a button to request an immediate connection with another person in real-time either by phone call, VOIP, or chat.

We have discovered 27,478 live websites that use Click-to-Call.

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Click-to-Call usage statistics

Total sites that use Click-to-Call27,478 websites
Percentage of website that use category<0.1%
Number of technologies in Click-to-Call category6

Category leader EnvyBox
Fastest Growing Technology EnvyBox
Most Popular in Country Russia

Alternative Names

  • Click to Call
  • Click to Text
  • Click to Chat

Click-to-Call usage by Country

United States3,969 websites

Russia16,270 websites
Ukraine5,309 websites
Germany608 websites
Kazakhstan349 websites
France184 websites
Estonia141 websites
GB95 websites
Belarus94 websites
Ireland77 websites

Click-to-Call usage by TLD

.ru13,600 websites
.com.ua4,990 websites
.com2,616 websites
.ua1,914 websites
.xn--p1ai1,400 websites
.kz470 websites
.net309 websites
.pro232 websites
.su214 websites
.org155 websites

Top Technologies

Top 6 technologies in Click-to-Call category (out of 6 total).
TechnologyWebsitesMarket ShareRecent changes
EnvyBox15,441 56.19% +121
GetCall9,021 32.83% +102
POZVONIM2,206 8.03% -138
novocall355 1.29% -2
BuyerCall330 1.20% -504
Pogodi Widget220 0.80% -4
See full technology list

Top technology switches

Number of websites that switched technologies within category in the past 3 months

FromToWebsite Count

Websites utilizing Click-to-Call

Top websites that use Click-to-Call
DomainCountryRankContacts Russia914 Russia2,284 United States6,212 Russia6,428 Russia7,538 United States23,198
See full domain list