Fraud Detection and Prevention

Fraud detection software detects fraudulent and high-risk transactions made online.

We have discovered 80,967 live websites that use Fraud Detection and Prevention.

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Fraud Detection and Prevention usage statistics

Total sites that use Fraud Detection and Prevention80,967 websites
Percentage of website that use category0.12%
Number of technologies in Fraud Detection and Prevention category30

Category leader VARITI
Fastest Growing Technology CyberSource
Most Popular in Country United States

Top Technologies

Top 6 technologies in Fraud Detection and Prevention category (out of 30 total).
TechnologyWebsitesMarket ShareRecent changes
VARITI20,820 25.71% -1,039
MaxMind13,344 16.48% -745
Forter8,438 10.42% -59
Sift5,482 6.77% -190
ThriveCart5,432 6.71% +431
Signifyd4,836 5.97% +23
See full technology list

Top technology switches

Number of websites that switched technologies within category in the past 3 months

FromToWebsite Count
MaxMind Signifyd2
ClearSale Konduto1
Clixtell TrafficGuard1
Forter NoFraud1
LexisNexis CyberSource1
LexisNexis Forter1

Websites utilizing Fraud Detection and Prevention

Top websites that use Fraud Detection and Prevention
DomainCountryRankContacts United States67 United States156 United States207 United States320 United States330 United States409
See full domain list