Incident management

Status and incident communication software and services

We have discovered 64,584 live websites that use Incident management.

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Incident management usage statistics

Total sites that use Incident management64,584 websites
Percentage of website that use category0.10%
Number of technologies in Incident management category27

Category leader Datadog
Fastest Growing Technology Datadog
Most Popular in Country United States

System status usage by Country

United States52,444 websites

Germany3,554 websites
Netherlands1,190 websites
GB1,011 websites
France893 websites
Denmark800 websites
Canada582 websites
Australia574 websites
Belgium336 websites
Switzerland320 websites

System status usage by TLD

.com39,862 websites
.org2,478 websites
.io2,444 websites
.net2,237 websites
.edu1,679 websites
.co.uk1,362 websites
.nl1,167 websites
.com.au1,084 websites
.de1,043 websites
.dk807 websites

Top Technologies

Top 6 technologies in Incident management category (out of 27 total).
See full technology list

Top technology switches

Number of websites that switched technologies within category in the past 3 months

FromToWebsite Count
Atlassian Statuspage Better Uptime4
Atlassian Statuspage InStatus4
Atlassian Statuspage Jira Service Management1
Better Uptime Atlassian Statuspage1

Websites utilizing Incident management

Top websites that use Incident management
DomainCountryRankContacts United States27 United States61 United States65 United States67 United States77 United States101
See full domain list