Akamai Net Storage

Category - Network Storage

NetStorage is a highly scalable, feature-rich cloud storage solution, offering automatic geo-distributed content replication for resiliency, high availability, and performance.

We have discovered  4,939 live websites   that are using Akamai Net Storage.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Akamai Net Storage4,939 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Network Storage#1
Market share in Network Storage76.23%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Akamai Net Storage usage.
Websites that added Akamai Net Storage 356
Websites that dropped Akamai Net Storage 238

Available Reports

Technology Information

Akamai Net Storage usage by Country

United States2,583 websites

Netherlands2,021 websites
Japan94 websites
Germany55 websites
GB25 websites
Canada19 websites
France14 websites
Sweden14 websites
Australia13 websites
Argentina10 websites

Akamai Net Storage usage by TLD

.com2,744 websites
.net736 websites
.de144 websites
.com.mx119 websites
.co.uk73 websites
.co.jp69 websites
.com.au65 websites
.ca60 websites
.org50 websites
.gov49 websites

Websites utilizing Akamai Net Storage

Top websites that use Akamai Net Storage
microsoft.com United States103
assets.adobedtm.com United States304
eepurl.com United States459
fda.gov United States927
cloud.typography.com United States1,090
rakuten.co.jp Japan1,583
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Synology DiskStation: Total 974 domains found using Synology DiskStation
IPFS: Total 566 domains found using IPFS


Akamai Net Storage is Network Storage.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Akamai Net Storage. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Akamai Net Storage through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 4,939 live websites that currently use Akamai Net Storage.
Akamai Net Storage has 76.23% market share in Network Storage.
The primary competing technologies to Akamai Net Storage are Synology DiskStation, IPFS.