Amazon EC2

Category - Web Servers

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a web service that provides secure, scalable compute capacity in the cloud.

We have discovered  33,434 live websites   that are using Amazon EC2.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Amazon EC233,434 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Web Servers#24
Market share in Web Servers<0.1%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Amazon EC2 usage.
Websites that added Amazon EC2 264
Websites that dropped Amazon EC2 4,799

Available Reports

Technology Information

Amazon EC2 usage by Country

United States28,058 websites

Japan1,346 websites
Brazil559 websites
Canada451 websites
Australia207 websites
GB203 websites
Italy192 websites
France177 websites
Latvia141 websites

Amazon EC2 usage by TLD

.com17,425 websites
.jp1,963 websites
.net1,641 websites
.org1,637 websites
.com.br809 websites
.co.jp764 websites
.lv656 websites
.io616 websites
.ca574 websites
.com.au553 websites

Websites utilizing Amazon EC2

Top websites that use Amazon EC2
DomainCountryRankContacts United States931 Japan6,625 United States8,267 United States9,236 United States9,891 United States10,137
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Apache: Total 18,559,738 domains found using Apache
Nginx: Total 16,826,665 domains found using Nginx
Cloudflare Server: Total 6,631,605 domains found using Cloudflare Server
OpenResty: Total 4,194,163 domains found using OpenResty
LiteSpeed: Total 3,642,306 domains found using LiteSpeed
IIS: Total 2,180,607 domains found using IIS
Pepyaka: Total 2,098,736 domains found using Pepyaka
Caddy: Total 761,006 domains found using Caddy
Microsoft HTTPAPI: Total 743,101 domains found using Microsoft HTTPAPI
Cowboy: Total 228,118 domains found using Cowboy


Amazon EC2 is Web Servers.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Amazon EC2. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Amazon EC2 through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 33,434 live websites that currently use Amazon EC2.
Amazon EC2 has <0.1% market share in Web Servers.
The primary competing technologies to Amazon EC2 are Apache, Nginx, Cloudflare Server, and OpenResty.