Avada Commerce

Category - Marketing Automation, Email Marketing

AVADA is a marketing automation platform specialized for eCommerce

We have discovered  2,459 live websites   that are using Avada Commerce.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Avada Commerce2,459 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Marketing Automation#91
Market share in Marketing Automation<0.1%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Avada Commerce usage.
Websites that added Avada Commerce 96
Websites that dropped Avada Commerce 193

Available Reports

Alternative Names

  • Avada Commerce

Technology Information

AVADA Commerce usage by Country

United States2,095 websites

Germany65 websites
GB52 websites
France35 websites
Australia24 websites
India23 websites
Italy14 websites
Netherlands11 websites
Poland9 websites
Belgium8 websites

AVADA Commerce usage by TLD

.com1,536 websites
.co.uk122 websites
.com.au92 websites
.de60 websites
.ca55 websites
.fr34 websites
.it32 websites
.in31 websites
.co30 websites
.nl25 websites

Websites utilizing Avada Commerce

Top websites that use Avada Commerce
mageplaza.com United States40,434
mares.com Germany102,858
elurp.com United States205,541
stores.dotsquares.com United States213,453
the4.co United States263,539
kaatsu.com United States270,191
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

MailChimp: Total 1,608,647 domains found using MailChimp
HubSpot: Total 360,587 domains found using HubSpot
Brevo: Total 339,466 domains found using Brevo
MailChimp for WordPress: Total 227,875 domains found using MailChimp for WordPress
Klaviyo: Total 178,606 domains found using Klaviyo
Constant Contact: Total 126,756 domains found using Constant Contact
Mailchimp for WooCommerce: Total 117,210 domains found using Mailchimp for WooCommerce
Adobe Experience Cloud: Total 115,262 domains found using Adobe Experience Cloud
EepURL Reports: Total 112,094 domains found using EepURL Reports
ActiveCampaign: Total 89,765 domains found using ActiveCampaign


Avada Commerce is Marketing Automation, and Email Marketing.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Avada Commerce. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Avada Commerce through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 2,459 live websites that currently use Avada Commerce.
Avada Commerce has <0.1% market share in Marketing Automation.
The primary competing technologies to Avada Commerce are MailChimp, HubSpot, Brevo, and MailChimp for WordPress.