
Category - Ad Verification and Optimization

BidFilter protects your brand by blocking unwanted ads served through header bidding platforms.

We have discovered  2 live websites   that are using BidFilter.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using BidFilter2 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Ad Verification and Optimization#36
Market share in Ad Verification and Optimization<0.1%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in BidFilter usage. (See BidFilter Usage Changes report)
Websites that dropped BidFilter-1

BidFilter usage distribution by website rank

The correlation between utilization of BidFilter technology and the relative popularity of websites

Market Share

BidFilter market share within the Ad Verification and Optimization category

Geographical Distribution

Technology usage distribution by websites across the globe.

Websites utilizing BidFilter

Top websites that use BidFilter
DomainCountryRankContacts United States572,338 United States79,177,991
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

comScore: Total 107,453 domains found using comScore
ClickCease: Total 39,262 domains found using ClickCease
Ezoic: Total 30,747 domains found using Ezoic
Sojern: Total 8,703 domains found using Sojern
AudienceRun: Total 7,516 domains found using AudienceRun
adThrive: Total 5,538 domains found using adThrive
Moat: Total 4,694 domains found using Moat
AI Log: Total 3,378 domains found using AI Log
DoubleVerify: Total 2,335 domains found using DoubleVerify
FREESTAR: Total 2,296 domains found using FREESTAR