Category - Maps

We have discovered  3,472 live websites   that are using CARTO.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using CARTO3,472 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Maps#41
Market share in Maps<0.1%
Most popular version3.15

Technology adoption

Recent changes in CARTO usage.
Websites that added CARTO 133
Websites that dropped CARTO 126
Websites that changed version of CARTO  159

Available Reports

Technology Information

Major Versions

  • 4.xx (6 subversions, 19 domains)
  • 3.xx (5 subversions, 35 domains)
  • 2.xx (1 subversions, 6 domains)

CARTO usage by Country

United States1,519 websites

Germany844 websites
France275 websites
Switzerland113 websites
Poland74 websites
Italy71 websites
Netherlands64 websites
GB52 websites
Spain43 websites
Austria41 websites

CARTO usage by TLD

.com1,530 websites
.de666 websites
.org168 websites
.fr149 websites
.ch100 websites
.co.uk85 websites
.it64 websites
.nl64 websites
.pl57 websites
.at52 websites

CARTO Versions

sorted by popularity
3.1521 websites
311 websites
4.29 websites
26 websites
4.1.114 websites
4.1.53 websites
3.9.81 websites
3.111 websites
3.141 websites
4.0.81 websites

See all CARTO versions ...

Websites utilizing CARTO

Top websites that use CARTO
DomainCountryRankContacts Germany52,269 Australia53,530 United States54,748 United States72,605 Germany95,664 Switzerland139,563
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Google Maps: Total 6,325,516 domains found using Google Maps
Google Maps API: Total 1,981,443 domains found using Google Maps API
Google Maps Engine: Total 535,081 domains found using Google Maps Engine
Yandex Maps: Total 360,936 domains found using Yandex Maps
Leaflet JS: Total 306,823 domains found using Leaflet JS
Leaflet: Total 263,867 domains found using Leaflet
OpenStreetMap: Total 189,443 domains found using OpenStreetMap
Mapbox: Total 127,428 domains found using Mapbox
Baidu Maps: Total 106,416 domains found using Baidu Maps
Mapbox GL JS: Total 80,017 domains found using Mapbox GL JS


CARTO is Maps.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including CARTO. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing CARTO through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 3,472 live websites that currently use CARTO.
CARTO has <0.1% market share in Maps.
The primary competing technologies to CARTO are Google Maps, Google Maps API, Google Maps Engine, and Yandex Maps.