DNS Made Easy Hosting

Category - Name Server

We have discovered  18,635 live websites   that are using DNS Made Easy Hosting.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using DNS Made Easy Hosting18,635 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Name Server#78
Market share in Name Server<0.1%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in DNS Made Easy Hosting usage.
Websites that added DNS Made Easy Hosting 287
Websites that dropped DNS Made Easy Hosting 762

Available Reports

Technology Information

DNS Made Easy Hosting usage by Country

United States18,068 websites

Australia164 websites
Canada87 websites
GB78 websites
Italy29 websites
Sweden26 websites
South Africa19 websites
New Zealand18 websites
Switzerland17 websites
Belgium9 websites

DNS Made Easy Hosting usage by TLD

.com10,351 websites
.org2,792 websites
.ca725 websites
.com.au716 websites
.net521 websites
.co.uk489 websites
.se259 websites
.org.au159 websites
.nl152 websites
.edu121 websites

Websites utilizing DNS Made Easy Hosting

Top websites that use DNS Made Easy Hosting
bbbonline.org United States2,356
ni.com United States11,426
volgistics.com United States21,525
oldversion.com United States28,455
nycgo.com United States33,232
ooyala.com United States35,014
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

GoDaddy DNS: Total 5,973,305 domains found using GoDaddy DNS
Cloudflare DNS: Total 4,460,603 domains found using Cloudflare DNS
Wix DNS: Total 1,826,521 domains found using Wix DNS
OVH DNS: Total 812,645 domains found using OVH DNS
Strato DNS: Total 724,140 domains found using Strato DNS
Amazon Route 53: Total 723,761 domains found using Amazon Route 53
Namecheap DNS: Total 688,161 domains found using Namecheap DNS
Google Cloud DNS: Total 590,443 domains found using Google Cloud DNS
Sedo DNS: Total 555,222 domains found using Sedo DNS
Aruba.it DNS: Total 481,261 domains found using Aruba.it DNS


DNS Made Easy Hosting is Name Server.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including DNS Made Easy Hosting. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing DNS Made Easy Hosting through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 18,635 live websites that currently use DNS Made Easy Hosting.
DNS Made Easy Hosting has <0.1% market share in Name Server.
The primary competing technologies to DNS Made Easy Hosting are GoDaddy DNS, Cloudflare DNS, Wix DNS, and OVH DNS.