
Category - Web Application Frameworks

Express.js is a free and open-source web application framework for Node.js. It is designed for building web applications and APIs.

We have discovered  204,734 live websites   that are using Express.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Express204,734 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Web Application Frameworks#6
Market share in Web Application Frameworks3.58%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Express usage.
Websites that added Express 10,138
Websites that dropped Express 22,693

Available Reports

Alternative Names

  • Express.js

Technology Information

Express usage by Country

United States129,754 websites

Russia25,258 websites
Germany7,084 websites
France5,156 websites
China4,292 websites
Netherlands2,506 websites
Brazil2,209 websites
India2,160 websites
GB2,147 websites

Express usage by TLD

.com92,700 websites
.ru22,303 websites
.de7,114 websites
.org6,459 websites
.net4,979 websites
.com.br4,724 websites
.io4,611 websites
.co.uk3,185 websites
.nl2,618 websites
.fr2,334 websites

Websites utilizing Express

Top websites that use Express
DomainCountryRankContacts United States7 United States117 United States549 United States583 United States732 United States771
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Microsoft ASP.NET: Total 2,765,547 domains found using Microsoft ASP.NET
Ruby on Rails: Total 620,678 domains found using Ruby on Rails
Laravel: Total 298,138 domains found using Laravel
Microsoft ASP.NET MVC: Total 277,112 domains found using Microsoft ASP.NET MVC
Next.js: Total 240,050 domains found using Next.js
Angular: Total 152,819 domains found using Angular
CodeIgniter: Total 128,614 domains found using CodeIgniter
Nuxt.js: Total 118,939 domains found using Nuxt.js
Adobe ColdFusion: Total 105,664 domains found using Adobe ColdFusion
ASP.NET Core: Total 102,993 domains found using ASP.NET Core


WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Express. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Express through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 204,734 live websites that currently use Express.
Express has 3.58% market share in Web Application Frameworks.
The primary competing technologies to Express are Microsoft ASP.NET, Ruby on Rails, Laravel, and Microsoft ASP.NET MVC.