Category - JavaScript Frameworks, Web Application Frameworks

Ext JS is a pure JavaScript application framework for building interactive cross platform web applications using techniques such as Ajax, DHTML and DOM scripting.

We have discovered  7,072 live websites   that are using ExtJS.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using ExtJS7,072 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in JavaScript Frameworks#30
Market share in JavaScript Frameworks0.11%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in ExtJS usage.
Websites that added ExtJS 105
Websites that dropped ExtJS 302

Available Reports

Alternative Names

  • Ext JS

Technology Information

ExtJS usage by Country

United States2,809 websites

Germany670 websites
Russia342 websites
France336 websites
China288 websites
Brazil172 websites
Netherlands159 websites
Czech Republic138 websites
Austria135 websites
Italy125 websites

ExtJS usage by TLD

.com2,392 websites
.org809 websites
.de407 websites
.net334 websites
.ru289 websites
.fr156 websites
.com.br147 websites
.it110 websites
.cz110 websites
.nl100 websites

Websites utilizing ExtJS

Top websites that use ExtJS
count.carrierzone.com Canada532
queue.acm.org United States3,026
sync5-cnsl.digitalstage.jp Japan4,069
smartaddons.com France20,533
above.com Australia21,432
pcstore.com.tw Taiwan30,677
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

React JS: Total 3,041,502 domains found using React JS
AngularJS: Total 583,726 domains found using AngularJS
AMP: Total 551,347 domains found using AMP
Vue: Total 423,039 domains found using Vue
MooTools: Total 356,245 domains found using MooTools
Redux Framework: Total 291,954 domains found using Redux Framework
Next.js: Total 252,429 domains found using Next.js
Handlebars: Total 155,472 domains found using Handlebars
Angular: Total 143,664 domains found using Angular
KnockoutJS: Total 129,393 domains found using KnockoutJS


WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including ExtJS. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing ExtJS through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 7,072 live websites that currently use ExtJS.
ExtJS has 0.11% market share in JavaScript Frameworks.
The primary competing technologies to ExtJS are React JS, AngularJS, AMP, and Vue.