Category - Ad Verification and Optimization

Freestar provides custom programmatic advertisement solutions, proprietary analytics and header bidding optimization tools.

We have discovered  2,651 live websites   that are using FREESTAR.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using FREESTAR2,651 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Ad Verification and Optimization#8
Market share in Ad Verification and Optimization1.32%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in FREESTAR usage.
Websites that added FREESTAR 322
Websites that dropped FREESTAR 407

Available Reports

Technology Information

FREESTAR usage by Country

United States1,970 websites

Germany120 websites
Netherlands116 websites
France78 websites
Spain63 websites
GB62 websites
Italy21 websites
Singapore19 websites
Poland17 websites
Canada15 websites


.com1,724 websites
.org153 websites
.net120 websites
.co.uk57 websites
.de51 websites
.es35 websites
.nl28 websites
.info28 websites
.io21 websites
.to19 websites

Websites utilizing FREESTAR

Top websites that use FREESTAR
DomainCountryRankContacts United States517 United States531 United States1,640 United States1,991 United States2,782 United States2,926
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

comScore: Total 102,051 domains found using comScore
ClickCease: Total 36,850 domains found using ClickCease
Ezoic: Total 21,928 domains found using Ezoic
AudienceRun: Total 8,440 domains found using AudienceRun
AI Log: Total 3,239 domains found using AI Log
Moat: Total 3,082 domains found using Moat
DoubleVerify: Total 2,990 domains found using DoubleVerify
Integral Ad Science: Total 2,067 domains found using Integral Ad Science
AdLoox: Total 2,038 domains found using AdLoox
GeoEdge: Total 1,784 domains found using GeoEdge


WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including FREESTAR. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing FREESTAR through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 2,651 live websites that currently use FREESTAR.
FREESTAR has 1.32% market share in Ad Verification and Optimization.
The primary competing technologies to FREESTAR are comScore, ClickCease, Ezoic, and AudienceRun.