
Category - Internet Geolocation

Geobytes provides IP Location APIs

We have discovered  157 live websites   that are using Geobytes.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Geobytes157 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Internet Geolocation#29
Market share in Internet Geolocation<0.1%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Geobytes usage. (See Geobytes Usage Changes report)
Websites that added Geobytes+2

Geobytes usage distribution by website rank

The correlation between utilization of Geobytes technology and the relative popularity of websites

Market Share

Geobytes market share within the Internet Geolocation category

Geographical Distribution

Technology usage distribution by websites across the globe.

Websites utilizing Geobytes

Top websites that use Geobytes
DomainCountryRankContacts Netherlands267,762 United States300,887 Italy673,236 Russia1,177,309 Netherlands1,281,024 GB2,271,037
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Navigator GeoLocation: Total 59,118 domains found using Navigator GeoLocation
IPinfo: Total 23,123 domains found using IPinfo
IPify: Total 21,627 domains found using IPify
Azure Traffic Manager: Total 17,495 domains found using Azure Traffic Manager
MaxMind: Total 14,022 domains found using MaxMind
IP Geolocation API: Total 5,941 domains found using IP Geolocation API
IPInfoDB: Total 5,805 domains found using IPInfoDB
IP2Location: Total 4,737 domains found using IP2Location
IPStack: Total 3,608 domains found using IPStack
Geo Targetly: Total 3,487 domains found using Geo Targetly