
Category - Cross border ecommerce

Global-e is a provider of cross-border ecommerce solutions. It makes selling internationally as simple as selling domestically, enabling ecommerce retailers to significantly increase international conversion rates by offering online shoppers, in more than 200 destinations worldwide, a seamless localized shopping experience

We have discovered  1,949 live websites   that are using Global-e.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Global-e1,949 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Cross border ecommerce#2
Market share in Cross border ecommerce17.50%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Global-e usage. (See Global-e Usage Changes report)
Websites that added Global-e+168
Websites that dropped Global-e-78

Global-e usage distribution by website rank

The correlation between utilization of Global-e technology and the relative popularity of websites

Market Share

Global-e market share within the Cross border ecommerce category

Geographical Distribution

Technology usage distribution by websites across the globe.

Websites utilizing Global-e

Top websites that use Global-e
DomainCountryRankContacts GB5,181 Russia5,734 United States8,905 United States14,941 United States14,952 GB22,115
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Worldshopping: Total 6,201 domains found using Worldshopping
Glopal: Total 727 domains found using Glopal
Exemptify: Total 713 domains found using Exemptify
ShopBase: Total 636 domains found using ShopBase
Borderfree: Total 412 domains found using Borderfree
Flow: Total 311 domains found using Flow
ESW: Total 81 domains found using ESW
Reach: Total 44 domains found using Reach
With Reach: Total 43 domains found using With Reach
Azoya: Total 13 domains found using Azoya