
Category - Web Servers, DMS

Hyperwave is a provider of integrated private cloud and intranet solutions.

We have discovered  18 live websites   that are using Hyperwave-IS.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Hyperwave-IS18 websites
Most popular in the country Austria
Market position in Web Servers#119
Market share in Web Servers<0.1%
Most popular version5.5

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Hyperwave-IS usage.
Websites that changed version of Hyperwave-IS  5

Available Reports

Technology Information

Major Versions

  • 8.xx (1 subversions, 3 domains)
  • 7.xx (1 subversions, 2 domains)
  • 5.xx (1 subversions, 6 domains)

Hyperwave-IS usage by Country

United States1 websites

Austria9 websites
Germany7 websites
Switzerland1 websites

Hyperwave-IS usage by TLD

.at7 websites
.de6 websites
.com3 websites
.ch1 websites
.net1 websites

Hyperwave-IS Versions

sorted by popularity
5.56 websites
83 websites
72 websites

See all Hyperwave-IS versions ...

Websites utilizing Hyperwave-IS

Top websites that use Hyperwave-IS
austriaca.at Austria265,522
aeiou.at Austria270,610
hw.oeaw.ac.at Austria347,319
epub.oeaw.ac.at Austria421,963
biographien.ac.at Austria441,540
musiklexikon.ac.at Austria515,601
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Apache: Total 17,085,335 domains found using Apache
Nginx: Total 16,226,895 domains found using Nginx
Cloudflare Server: Total 6,848,451 domains found using Cloudflare Server
LiteSpeed: Total 3,646,621 domains found using LiteSpeed
OpenResty: Total 3,358,420 domains found using OpenResty
Pepyaka: Total 2,080,399 domains found using Pepyaka
IIS: Total 1,891,017 domains found using IIS
Caddy: Total 846,476 domains found using Caddy
Microsoft HTTPAPI: Total 702,616 domains found using Microsoft HTTPAPI
Cowboy: Total 237,409 domains found using Cowboy


Hyperwave-IS is Web Servers, and DMS.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Hyperwave-IS. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Hyperwave-IS through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 18 live websites that currently use Hyperwave-IS.
Hyperwave-IS has <0.1% market share in Web Servers.
The primary competing technologies to Hyperwave-IS are Apache, Nginx, Cloudflare Server, and LiteSpeed.