Java Servlet

Category - Web Application Frameworks

A servlet is a Java programming language class used to extend the capabilities of servers that host applications accessed by means of a request-response programming model.

We have discovered  8,300 live websites   that are using Java Servlet.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Java Servlet8,300 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Web Application Frameworks#28
Market share in Web Application Frameworks0.16%
Most popular version2.4

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Java Servlet usage.
Websites that added Java Servlet 114
Websites that dropped Java Servlet 456
Websites that changed version of Java Servlet  63

Available Reports

Technology Information

Major Versions

  • 4.xx (1 subversions, 690 domains)
  • 3.xx (2 subversions, 4,067 domains)
  • 2.xx (2 subversions, 3,383 domains)

Java Servlet usage by Country

United States3,415 websites

Brazil514 websites
China414 websites
France314 websites
Germany291 websites
Canada273 websites
Russia220 websites
Italy216 websites
Czech Republic214 websites
Hong Kong172 websites

Java Servlet usage by TLD

.com2,158 websites
.net784 websites
.de506 websites
.com.br292 websites
.it228 websites
.org225 websites
.fr216 websites
.cn170 websites
.ru158 websites
.cz153 websites

Java Servlet Versions

sorted by popularity
2.42,395 websites
3.12,235 websites
31,832 websites
2.5988 websites
4690 websites
515 websites

See all Java Servlet versions ...

Websites utilizing Java Servlet

Top websites that use Java Servlet
DomainCountryRankContacts United States5,766 United States7,048 Poland7,690 United States10,441 Brazil15,222 Italy15,678
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Microsoft ASP.NET: Total 2,491,748 domains found using Microsoft ASP.NET
Ruby on Rails: Total 562,139 domains found using Ruby on Rails
Laravel: Total 290,956 domains found using Laravel
Microsoft ASP.NET MVC: Total 252,196 domains found using Microsoft ASP.NET MVC
Next.js: Total 246,138 domains found using Next.js
Express: Total 198,345 domains found using Express
Angular: Total 143,865 domains found using Angular
CodeIgniter: Total 122,561 domains found using CodeIgniter
Nuxt.js: Total 121,742 domains found using Nuxt.js
ASP.NET Core: Total 104,734 domains found using ASP.NET Core


WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Java Servlet. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Java Servlet through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 8,300 live websites that currently use Java Servlet.
Java Servlet has 0.16% market share in Web Application Frameworks.
The primary competing technologies to Java Servlet are Microsoft ASP.NET, Ruby on Rails, Laravel, and Microsoft ASP.NET MVC.