
Category - CDN

We have discovered  3,735 live websites   that are using JiasuleCDN.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using JiasuleCDN3,735 websites
Most popular in the country China
Market position in CDN#43
Market penetration in CDN<0.1%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in JiasuleCDN usage.
Websites that added JiasuleCDN 158
Websites that dropped JiasuleCDN 338

Available Reports

Technology Information

JiasuleCDN usage by Country

United States75 websites

China3,542 websites
Hong Kong64 websites
Canada17 websites
Singapore7 websites
GB4 websites
Brazil3 websites
Germany2 websites
Indonesia2 websites

JiasuleCDN usage by TLD

.com1,213 websites
.gov.cn927 websites
.cn509 websites
.edu.cn282 websites
.com.cn281 websites
.net223 websites
.org149 websites
.org.cn100 websites
.net.cn24 websites
.citic11 websites

Websites utilizing JiasuleCDN

Top websites that use JiasuleCDN
cac.gov.cn China2,072
v.yunaq.com Hong Kong5,973
zzlz.gsxt.gov.cn China8,933
aqyzmedia.yunaq.com Hong Kong9,581
static.anquan.org Hong Kong10,461
new.12377.cn China16,438
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

GStatic: Total 14,083,418 domains found using GStatic
Cloudflare: Total 10,200,003 domains found using Cloudflare
Google Hosted Libraries: Total 3,657,996 domains found using Google Hosted Libraries
cdnjs: Total 3,181,399 domains found using cdnjs
Google Cloud CDN: Total 1,891,887 domains found using Google Cloud CDN
BootstrapCDN: Total 1,847,015 domains found using BootstrapCDN
jsDelivr: Total 1,715,273 domains found using jsDelivr
jQuery CDN: Total 1,609,508 domains found using jQuery CDN
Amazon S3: Total 1,215,058 domains found using Amazon S3
Akamai: Total 892,786 domains found using Akamai


JiasuleCDN is CDN.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including JiasuleCDN. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing JiasuleCDN through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 3,735 live websites that currently use JiasuleCDN.
The primary competing technologies to JiasuleCDN are GStatic, Cloudflare, Google Hosted Libraries, and cdnjs.