
Category - Video Players, Video Conferencing

Kaltura platform provides video cloud APIs and developer tools for all your video, audio and image needs

We have discovered  1,732 live websites   that are using Kaltura.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Kaltura1,732 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Video Players#31
Market penetration in Video Players<0.1%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Kaltura usage. (See Kaltura Usage Changes report)
Websites that added Kaltura+185
Websites that dropped Kaltura-70

Kaltura usage distribution by website rank

The correlation between utilization of Kaltura technology and the relative popularity of websites

Geographical Distribution

Technology usage distribution by websites across the globe.

Websites utilizing Kaltura

Top websites that use Kaltura
www.mayoclinic.org United States1,433
www.oreilly.com United States1,504
www.nist.gov United States2,111
www.forrester.com United States4,072
go.forrester.com United States5,256
www.ets.org United States6,030
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

YouTube: Total 6,253,773 domains found using YouTube
MediaElement.js: Total 1,280,628 domains found using MediaElement.js
Vimeo: Total 1,132,618 domains found using Vimeo
jPlayer: Total 327,838 domains found using jPlayer
VideoJS: Total 162,273 domains found using VideoJS
jquery.mb.YTPlayer: Total 115,548 domains found using jquery.mb.YTPlayer
JW Player: Total 68,017 domains found using JW Player
Wistia: Total 55,834 domains found using Wistia
Flowplayer: Total 53,052 domains found using Flowplayer
Plyr: Total 52,523 domains found using Plyr