Lucky Orange

Category - Digital Experience Analytics

User action recording and analyzing platform

We have discovered  33,549 live websites   that are using Lucky Orange.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Lucky Orange33,549 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Digital Experience Analytics#7
Market share in Digital Experience Analytics1.86%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Lucky Orange usage.
Websites that added Lucky Orange 2,242
Websites that dropped Lucky Orange 2,416

Available Reports

Technology Information

Lucky Orange usage by Country

United States28,444 websites

GB790 websites
Germany503 websites
Australia407 websites
France373 websites
Netherlands340 websites
Israel302 websites
Japan240 websites
Canada189 websites
Singapore163 websites

Lucky Orange usage by TLD

.com23,222 websites
.co.uk1,276 websites
.com.au1,260 websites
.org880 websites
.net609 websites
.ca479 websites
.co316 websites
.de302 websites
.edu237 websites
.dk226 websites

Websites utilizing Lucky Orange

Top websites that use Lucky Orange
DomainCountryRankContacts Japan1,022 United States2,204 United States2,570 United States3,756 Canada4,504 United States4,554
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Matomo: Total 579,746 domains found using Matomo
Hotjar: Total 476,168 domains found using Hotjar
Microsoft Clarity: Total 394,260 domains found using Microsoft Clarity
Crazy Egg: Total 70,681 domains found using Crazy Egg
ContentSquare: Total 42,027 domains found using ContentSquare
Mouseflow: Total 39,371 domains found using Mouseflow
Smartlook: Total 32,735 domains found using Smartlook
User Insight: Total 28,399 domains found using User Insight
Heap: Total 26,900 domains found using Heap
FullStory: Total 26,555 domains found using FullStory


WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Lucky Orange. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Lucky Orange through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 33,549 live websites that currently use Lucky Orange.
Lucky Orange has 1.86% market share in Digital Experience Analytics.
The primary competing technologies to Lucky Orange are Matomo, Hotjar, Microsoft Clarity, and Crazy Egg.