Category - Web Hosting

We have discovered  83,512 live websites   that are using METANET Hosting.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using METANET Hosting83,512 websites
Most popular in the country Switzerland
Market position in Web Hosting#80
Market share in Web Hosting0.16%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in METANET Hosting usage.
Websites that added METANET Hosting 793
Websites that dropped METANET Hosting 1,223

Available Reports

Technology Information

METANET Hosting usage by Country

United States30 websites

Switzerland81,756 websites
Germany658 websites
Liechtenstein377 websites
Austria119 websites
Italy107 websites
France83 websites
Belgium27 websites
GB25 websites
Netherlands24 websites

METANET Hosting usage by TLD

.ch70,055 websites
.com6,959 websites
.org1,167 websites
.de997 websites
.net975 websites
.li544 websites
.info282 websites
.swiss252 websites
.at248 websites
.eu163 websites

Websites utilizing METANET Hosting

Top websites that use METANET Hosting
DomainCountryRankContacts Switzerland17,156 Switzerland21,564 Switzerland39,895 Switzerland48,269 Switzerland51,979 Switzerland52,297
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Alternative Technologies

Amazon Hosting: Total 9,928,020 domains found using Amazon Hosting
GoDaddy Hosting: Total 6,163,442 domains found using GoDaddy Hosting
OVH Hosting: Total 2,055,493 domains found using OVH Hosting
Wix Hosting: Total 1,963,735 domains found using Wix Hosting
Ionos Hosting: Total 1,897,909 domains found using Ionos Hosting
Hetzner Hosting: Total 1,679,761 domains found using Hetzner Hosting
Ionos DNS: Total 1,643,805 domains found using Ionos DNS
Squarespace Hosted: Total 1,279,776 domains found using Squarespace Hosted
UnifiedLayers Hosting: Total 912,146 domains found using UnifiedLayers Hosting
Strato Hosting: Total 747,645 domains found using Strato Hosting


METANET Hosting is Web Hosting.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including METANET Hosting. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing METANET Hosting through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 83,512 live websites that currently use METANET Hosting.
METANET Hosting has 0.16% market share in Web Hosting.
The primary competing technologies to METANET Hosting are Amazon Hosting, GoDaddy Hosting, OVH Hosting, and Wix Hosting.