
Category - Web Server Extensions

This module provides support for the FastCGI protocol to Apache 2.

We have discovered  10,648 live websites   that are using mod_fastcgi.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using mod_fastcgi10,648 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Web Server Extensions#15
Market penetration in Web Server Extensions0.65%
Most popular version2.4.6

Technology adoption

Recent changes in mod_fastcgi usage.
Websites that added mod_fastcgi 126
Websites that dropped mod_fastcgi 358
Websites that changed version of mod_fastcgi  2

Available Reports

Technology Information

Major Versions

  • 2.xx (8 subversions, 4,662 domains)

mod_fastcgi usage by Country

United States2,583 websites

France2,023 websites
Germany815 websites
Russia759 websites
Hungary584 websites
Switzerland523 websites
Austria460 websites
Czech Republic327 websites
Canada317 websites
Argentina216 websites

mod_fastcgi usage by TLD

.com4,522 websites
.ru673 websites
.org576 websites
.de557 websites
.hu535 websites
.net530 websites
.ch492 websites
.at362 websites
.cz277 websites
.pl176 websites

mod_fastcgi Versions

sorted by popularity
2.4.63,639 websites
2.4.2762 websites
2.4171 websites
2.2.1265 websites
2.2.28 websites
2.2.108 websites websites
2.4.73 websites

See all mod_fastcgi versions ...

Websites utilizing mod_fastcgi

Top websites that use mod_fastcgi
DomainCountryRankContacts Germany4,698 United States17,096 United States19,084 Germany37,284 Spain53,593 Netherlands60,207
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

OpenSSL: Total 741,973 domains found using OpenSSL
Google PageSpeed: Total 734,143 domains found using Google PageSpeed
mod_fcgid: Total 180,205 domains found using mod_fcgid
mod_pagespeed: Total 132,648 domains found using mod_pagespeed
mod_aclr: Total 84,749 domains found using mod_aclr
mod_ssl: Total 62,730 domains found using mod_ssl
WebDAV: Total 52,659 domains found using WebDAV
mod_perl: Total 43,271 domains found using mod_perl
mod_bwlimited: Total 33,900 domains found using mod_bwlimited
mod_dav: Total 26,203 domains found using mod_dav


mod_fastcgi is Web Server Extensions.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including mod_fastcgi. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing mod_fastcgi through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 10,648 live websites that currently use mod_fastcgi.
The primary competing technologies to mod_fastcgi are OpenSSL, Google PageSpeed, mod_fcgid, and mod_pagespeed.