
Category - Push Notifications, SMS Marketing

OneSignal is mobile and web push notification and push messaging service and API.

We have discovered  87,381 live websites   that are using OneSignal.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using OneSignal87,381 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Push Notifications#1
Market share in Push Notifications30.63%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in OneSignal usage. (See OneSignal Usage Changes report)
Websites that added OneSignal+2,013
Websites that dropped OneSignal-2,667

OneSignal usage distribution by website rank

The correlation between utilization of OneSignal technology and the relative popularity of websites

Market Share

OneSignal market share within the Push Notifications category

Geographical Distribution

Technology usage distribution by websites across the globe.

Websites utilizing OneSignal

Top websites that use OneSignal
DomainCountryRankContacts United States633 United States690 United States1,384 United States2,239 United States2,320 United States2,764
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

SendPulse: Total 38,696 domains found using SendPulse
Zotabox: Total 35,115 domains found using Zotabox
AWeber: Total 28,545 domains found using AWeber
PUSHER: Total 10,509 domains found using PUSHER
SignalR: Total 9,212 domains found using SignalR
PushOwl: Total 8,327 domains found using PushOwl
PushOwl Web Push Notifications: Total 8,202 domains found using PushOwl Web Push Notifications
Automizely Marketing: Total 7,569 domains found using Automizely Marketing
iZooto: Total 6,378 domains found using iZooto
WebPushr: Total 4,917 domains found using WebPushr