Oracle Traffic Director

Category - Load Balancer

Oracle Traffic Director is a software load balancer for load balancing HTTP/S and TCP traffic to servers in the back-end.

We have discovered  69 live websites   that are using Oracle Traffic Director.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Oracle Traffic Director69 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Load Balancer#15
Market share in Load Balancer<0.1%
Most popular version11.1.1.9

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Oracle Traffic Director usage. (See Oracle Traffic Director Usage Changes report)
Websites that dropped Oracle Traffic Director-31

Oracle Traffic Director usage distribution by website rank

The correlation between utilization of Oracle Traffic Director technology and the relative popularity of websites

Market Share

Oracle Traffic Director market share within the Load Balancer category

Geographical Distribution

Technology usage distribution by websites across the globe.

Websites utilizing Oracle Traffic Director

Top websites that use Oracle Traffic Director
DomainCountryRankContacts Spain34,569 Argentina116,473 Argentina747,274 Spain996,450 Australia1,134,078 Brazil1,665,395
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Amazon ELB: Total 459,867 domains found using Amazon ELB
Amazon ALB: Total 210,076 domains found using Amazon ALB
F5 BigIP: Total 172,389 domains found using F5 BigIP
ARR: Total 80,865 domains found using ARR
Sun ONE Web Server: Total 77,079 domains found using Sun ONE Web Server
Istio: Total 23,272 domains found using Istio
Azure Traffic Manager: Total 17,495 domains found using Azure Traffic Manager
HAProxy: Total 15,505 domains found using HAProxy
Citrix ADC: Total 15,465 domains found using Citrix ADC
Apache Load Balancer: Total 6,372 domains found using Apache Load Balancer

Major Versions

  • 11.xx (2 subversions, 51 domains)
  • 12.xx (4 subversions, 18 domains)