Parallels CA

Category - Certificate Authority

We have discovered  22,726 live websites   that are using Parallels CA.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Parallels CA22,726 websites
Most popular in the country Germany
Market position in Certificate Authority#35
Market share in Certificate Authority<0.1%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Parallels CA usage.
Websites that added Parallels CA 447
Websites that dropped Parallels CA 2,072

Available Reports

Technology Information

Parallels CA usage by Country

United States3,221 websites

Germany4,814 websites
Spain2,448 websites
Netherlands2,368 websites
Japan2,104 websites
France1,594 websites
Italy1,053 websites
Taiwan910 websites
GB768 websites
Austria248 websites

Parallels CA usage by TLD

.com8,459 websites
.de2,912 websites
.nl1,837 websites
.net941 websites
.it835 websites
.es835 websites
.org697 websites
.jp597 websites
.com.tw511 websites
.co.uk457 websites

Websites utilizing Parallels CA

Top websites that use Parallels CA
DomainCountryRankContacts Netherlands29,268 Germany142,784 United States157,313 France171,821 Ireland223,872 United States234,046
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Lets Encrypt: Total 29,619,476 domains found using Lets Encrypt
DigiCert: Total 3,298,953 domains found using DigiCert
GoDaddy CA: Total 2,854,531 domains found using GoDaddy CA
Sectigo: Total 2,832,431 domains found using Sectigo
Encryption Everywhere CA: Total 1,651,216 domains found using Encryption Everywhere CA
GlobalSign CA: Total 999,584 domains found using GlobalSign CA
AWS Certificate Manager: Total 925,830 domains found using AWS Certificate Manager
RapidSSL CA: Total 569,788 domains found using RapidSSL CA
cPanel CA: Total 547,743 domains found using cPanel CA
AlphaSSL CA: Total 508,876 domains found using AlphaSSL CA


Parallels CA is Certificate Authority.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Parallels CA. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Parallels CA through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 22,726 live websites that currently use Parallels CA.
Parallels CA has <0.1% market share in Certificate Authority.
The primary competing technologies to Parallels CA are Lets Encrypt, DigiCert, GoDaddy CA, and Sectigo.