
Category - Reservations & delivery

ResDiary provides an online reservations and verified diner reviews at restaurants worldwide.

We have discovered  3,322 live websites   that are using ResDiary.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using ResDiary3,322 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Reservations & delivery#16
Market share in Reservations & delivery1.53%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in ResDiary usage.
Websites that added ResDiary 238
Websites that dropped ResDiary 203

Available Reports

Technology Information

ResDiary usage by Country

United States1,565 websites

GB1,013 websites
Germany137 websites
Australia89 websites
Ireland73 websites
New Zealand72 websites
Israel66 websites
Italy65 websites
Norway63 websites
France38 websites

ResDiary usage by TLD

.co.uk1,449 websites
.com969 websites
.com.au214 websites
.ie175 websites
.co.nz145 websites
.no137 websites
.it48 websites
.net20 websites
.pt14 websites
.nz14 websites

Websites utilizing ResDiary

Top websites that use ResDiary
DomainCountryRankContacts United States51,594 Australia62,444 United States82,862 United States82,963 United States106,722 GB109,066
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Wix Hotels: Total 36,485 domains found using Wix Hotels
FareHarbor: Total 15,060 domains found using FareHarbor
OpenTable: Total 12,791 domains found using OpenTable
DoorDash: Total 10,306 domains found using DoorDash
MotoPress Hotel Booking: Total 8,644 domains found using MotoPress Hotel Booking
Resy: Total 8,138 domains found using Resy
Grubhub: Total 7,450 domains found using Grubhub
GetYourGuide: Total 6,545 domains found using GetYourGuide
GloriaFood: Total 5,977 domains found using GloriaFood Total 5,298 domains found using


WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including ResDiary. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing ResDiary through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 3,322 live websites that currently use ResDiary.
ResDiary has 1.53% market share in Reservations & delivery.
The primary competing technologies to ResDiary are Wix Hotels, FareHarbor, OpenTable, and DoorDash.