Available Reports
Technology Information
- Name - Search & Filter
- Category - Wordpress Plugins
- Product - wordpress.org
Major Versions
- 5.xx (1 subversions, 2 domains)
- 3.xx (9 subversions, 61 domains)
- 2.xx (32 subversions, 543 domains)
- 1.xx (2 subversions, 7 domains)
Search and Filter usage by Country
United States | 7,477 websites |
Japan | 1,661 websites |
Germany | 1,568 websites |
France | 1,172 websites |
GB | 676 websites |
Netherlands | 546 websites |
Italy | 481 websites |
Spain | 389 websites |
Brazil | 383 websites |
Poland | 316 websites |
Search and Filter usage by TLD
.com | 7,385 websites |
.org | 1,817 websites |
.de | 617 websites |
.net | 519 websites |
.nl | 513 websites |
.fr | 496 websites |
.co.uk | 489 websites |
.com.br | 477 websites |
.it | 434 websites |
.jp | 433 websites |
Search & Filter Versions
sorted by popularity2.5.17 | 90 websites |
2.4.6 | 46 websites |
2.5.14 | 40 websites |
2.5.13 | 39 websites |
2.5.16 | 33 websites |
2.5.1 | 30 websites |
3 | 25 websites |
2.3.4 | 25 websites |
2.5 | 24 websites |
2.5.12 | 24 websites |
See all Search & Filter versions ...