Shopify Currency South African Rand

Category - Currency

The South African rand is the official currency of the Southern African Common Monetary Area.

We have discovered  5,663 live websites   that are using Shopify Currency South African Rand.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Shopify Currency South African Rand5,663 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Currency#13
Market penetration in Currency0.94%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Shopify Currency South African Rand usage.
Websites that added Shopify Currency South African Rand 152
Websites that dropped Shopify Currency South African Rand 73

Available Reports

Technology Information

Shopify Currency South African Rand usage by Country

United States3,959 websites

South Africa1,450 websites
Germany49 websites
GB42 websites
Singapore23 websites
France13 websites
Netherlands12 websites
Romania11 websites
Cyprus11 websites
Sweden10 websites

Shopify Currency South African Rand usage by TLD

.co.za2,886 websites
.com1,634 websites
.us531 websites
.co111 websites
.es50 websites
.net50 websites
.org32 websites
.co.uk31 websites
.online31 websites
.africa22 websites

Websites utilizing Shopify Currency South African Rand

Top websites that use Shopify Currency South African Rand
DomainCountryRankContacts United States8,971 United States13,001 United States18,455 GB36,274 United States51,613 United States67,710
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Shopify Currency US Dollar: Total 374,130 domains found using Shopify Currency US Dollar
Shopify Currency Euro: Total 113,607 domains found using Shopify Currency Euro
Shopify Currency Pound sterling: Total 46,744 domains found using Shopify Currency Pound sterling
Shopify Currency Australian Dollar: Total 35,099 domains found using Shopify Currency Australian Dollar
Shopify Currency Canadian Dollar: Total 28,589 domains found using Shopify Currency Canadian Dollar
Shopify Currency Indian Rupee: Total 15,538 domains found using Shopify Currency Indian Rupee
Shopify Currency Japanese Yen: Total 15,325 domains found using Shopify Currency Japanese Yen
Shopify Currency New Zealand dollars: Total 11,236 domains found using Shopify Currency New Zealand dollars
Shopify Currency Swiss Franc: Total 8,406 domains found using Shopify Currency Swiss Franc
Shopify Currency Danish krone: Total 8,251 domains found using Shopify Currency Danish krone


Shopify Currency South African Rand is Currency.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Shopify Currency South African Rand. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Shopify Currency South African Rand through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 5,663 live websites that currently use Shopify Currency South African Rand.
The primary competing technologies to Shopify Currency South African Rand are Shopify Currency US Dollar, Shopify Currency Euro, Shopify Currency Pound sterling, and Shopify Currency Australian Dollar.