Shopify Product Reviews

Category - User Review, Shopify App

We have discovered  51,984 live websites   that are using Shopify Product Reviews.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Shopify Product Reviews51,984 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in User Review#4
Market share in User Review4.19%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Shopify Product Reviews usage.
Websites that added Shopify Product Reviews 2,537
Websites that dropped Shopify Product Reviews 37,047

Available Reports

Technology Information

Shopify Product Reviews usage by Country

United States47,636 websites

Germany829 websites
GB483 websites
Australia478 websites
France366 websites
Italy271 websites
Japan183 websites
Brazil143 websites
Netherlands133 websites
Canada130 websites

Shopify Product Reviews usage by TLD

.com33,436 websites
.com.au2,523 websites
.co.uk2,267 websites
.de1,640 websites
.ca1,095 websites
.com.br694 websites
.co580 websites
.co.nz534 websites
.it498 websites
.fr494 websites

Websites utilizing Shopify Product Reviews

Top websites that use Shopify Product Reviews
DomainCountryRankContacts United States11,222 United States11,737 United States12,146 United States15,424 United States22,605 United States33,801
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Trustpilot: Total 495,719 domains found using Trustpilot
Trustindex: Total 118,510 domains found using Trustindex
Judge Me: Total 77,774 domains found using Judge Me
Yotpo Reviews: Total 41,839 domains found using Yotpo Reviews
Inffuse Testimonials: Total 40,757 domains found using Inffuse Testimonials
Yotpo: Total 33,429 domains found using Yotpo
Trusted Shops: Total 26,193 domains found using Trusted Shops
Qualtrics: Total 22,186 domains found using Qualtrics
Stamped: Total 22,051 domains found using Stamped
LOOX: Total 20,045 domains found using LOOX


Shopify Product Reviews is User Review, and Shopify App.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Shopify Product Reviews. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Shopify Product Reviews through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 51,984 live websites that currently use Shopify Product Reviews.
Shopify Product Reviews has 4.19% market share in User Review.
The primary competing technologies to Shopify Product Reviews are Trustpilot, Trustindex, Judge Me, and Yotpo Reviews.