
Category - Wordpress Themes

WooCommerce Storefront is an intuitive and flexible, free WordPress theme offering deep integration with WooCommerce.

We have discovered  47,328 live websites   that are using Storefront.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Storefront47,328 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Wordpress Themes#31
Market share in Wordpress Themes0.66%
Most popular version4.6

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Storefront usage.
Websites that added Storefront 831
Websites that dropped Storefront 1,089
Websites that changed version of Storefront  4,542

Available Reports

Technology Information

Major Versions

  • 4.xx (36 subversions, 28,669 domains)
  • 3.xx (25 subversions, 3,609 domains)
  • 2.xx (74 subversions, 8,165 domains)
  • 1.xx (43 subversions, 357 domains)

Storefront usage by Country

United States18,535 websites

Germany4,834 websites
France2,890 websites
GB2,254 websites
Netherlands1,857 websites
Russia1,743 websites
Poland1,017 websites
Denmark996 websites
Sweden835 websites
Japan752 websites

Storefront usage by TLD

.com20,925 websites
.co.uk2,184 websites
.de2,127 websites
.nl1,882 websites
.ru1,461 websites
.org1,200 websites
.fr1,116 websites
.net1,061 websites
.com.au938 websites
.se840 websites

Storefront Versions

sorted by popularity
4.618,438 websites
4.22,259 websites
4.5.31,773 websites
4.5.41,768 websites
3.9.11,283 websites
2.5.31,015 websites
4.1.3868 websites
4.5.5720 websites
2.5.5651 websites
4.1651 websites

See all Storefront versions ...

Websites utilizing Storefront

Top websites that use Storefront
DomainCountryRankContacts United States962 Vietnam5,116 United States10,350 United States11,254 United States16,874 United States17,748
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Divi: Total 981,559 domains found using Divi
Hello Elementor: Total 655,853 domains found using Hello Elementor
Astra Theme: Total 569,859 domains found using Astra Theme
Avada: Total 291,593 domains found using Avada
GeneratePress: Total 230,391 domains found using GeneratePress
Enfold: Total 201,001 domains found using Enfold
Divi Child: Total 198,798 domains found using Divi Child
H4: Total 194,376 domains found using H4
WordPress Default: Total 191,284 domains found using WordPress Default
Genesis Framework: Total 167,963 domains found using Genesis Framework


Storefront is Wordpress Themes.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Storefront. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Storefront through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 47,328 live websites that currently use Storefront.
Storefront has 0.66% market share in Wordpress Themes.
The primary competing technologies to Storefront are Divi, Hello Elementor, Astra Theme, and Avada.