
Category - Ecommerce

T-Soft is an e-commerce provider based in Turkey.

We have discovered  1,158 live websites   that are using T-Soft.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using T-Soft1,158 websites
Most popular in the country Turkey
Market position in Ecommerce#181
Market penetration in Ecommerce<0.1%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in T-Soft usage. (See T-Soft Usage Changes report)
Websites that added T-Soft+12
Websites that dropped T-Soft-9

T-Soft usage distribution by website rank

The correlation between utilization of T-Soft technology and the relative popularity of websites

Geographical Distribution

Technology usage distribution by websites across the globe.

Websites utilizing T-Soft

Top websites that use T-Soft
mazibutik.com United States201,451
www.bkmkitap.com Turkey351,605
sarar.com Turkey415,601
www.arzum.com.tr Turkey549,922
www.govivia.com United States634,837
www.modaselvim.com Turkey708,815
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Cart Functionality: Total 6,403,916 domains found using Cart Functionality
WooCommerce: Total 1,843,530 domains found using WooCommerce
Shopify: Total 846,914 domains found using Shopify
Wix eCommerce: Total 687,365 domains found using Wix eCommerce
Ecwid: Total 351,533 domains found using Ecwid
Squarespace Commerce: Total 295,155 domains found using Squarespace Commerce
PrestaShop: Total 149,888 domains found using PrestaShop
OpenCart: Total 102,577 domains found using OpenCart
Magento: Total 93,024 domains found using Magento
Weebly eCommerce: Total 78,046 domains found using Weebly eCommerce