
Category - User Review, Content Curation

Pixlee TurnTo is a dynamic ratings and reviews management platform.

We have discovered  706 live websites   that are using TurnTo.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using TurnTo706 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in User Review#85
Market penetration in User Review<0.1%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in TurnTo usage. (See TurnTo Usage Changes report)
Websites that added TurnTo+22
Websites that dropped TurnTo-19

TurnTo usage distribution by website rank

The correlation between utilization of TurnTo technology and the relative popularity of websites

Geographical Distribution

Technology usage distribution by websites across the globe.

Websites utilizing TurnTo

Top websites that use TurnTo
eatstreet.com United States7,572
www.nikonusa.com United States27,069
www.gnc.com United States31,420
www.tumi.com United States41,565
www.cartier.com Switzerland42,318
www.northumbria.ac.uk GB45,075
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Trustpilot: Total 413,118 domains found using Trustpilot
Shopify Product Reviews: Total 130,453 domains found using Shopify Product Reviews
Trustindex: Total 92,669 domains found using Trustindex
Judge Me: Total 63,350 domains found using Judge Me
Inffuse Testimonials: Total 43,108 domains found using Inffuse Testimonials
Yotpo Reviews: Total 42,732 domains found using Yotpo Reviews
Yotpo: Total 33,775 domains found using Yotpo
Trusted Shops: Total 27,167 domains found using Trusted Shops
Stamped: Total 22,942 domains found using Stamped
Qualtrics: Total 21,388 domains found using Qualtrics

Alternative Names

  • Pixlee TurnTo