
Category - Blogs

Typecho is an open source and free dynamic blog program developed by domestic developers, which can run on various platforms based on the PHP environment.

We have discovered  3,394 live websites   that are using Typecho.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Typecho3,394 websites
Most popular in the country China
Market position in Blogs#8
Market share in Blogs0.53%
Most popular version1.2.1

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Typecho usage.
Websites that added Typecho 183
Websites that dropped Typecho 158
Websites that changed version of Typecho  208

Available Reports

Technology Information

Major Versions

  • 9.xx (1 subversions, 1 domains)
  • 1.xx (6 subversions, 2,633 domains)
  • 0.xx (3 subversions, 15 domains)

Typecho usage by Country

United States873 websites

China1,793 websites
Singapore294 websites
Hong Kong121 websites
Canada93 websites
GB15 websites
France14 websites
Vanuatu12 websites
Cocos(Keeling) Island8 websites

Typecho usage by TLD

.com1,376 websites
.cn770 websites
.net216 websites
.top172 websites
.me120 websites
.cc82 websites
.xyz74 websites
.org71 websites
.lv35 websites
.moe32 websites

Typecho Versions

sorted by popularity
1.2.1976 websites
1.1863 websites
1.2706 websites
152 websites
1.333 websites
0.99 websites
0.85 websites
1.53 websites
0.61 websites
9.9.91 websites

See all Typecho versions ...

Websites utilizing Typecho

Top websites that use Typecho
lnmp.org China462
typecho.org United States16,212
fungj.com China29,164
ihewro.com China73,618
kvm.la United States85,793
lnmp.com Singapore93,556
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Tumblr: Total 367,061 domains found using Tumblr
Blogger: Total 181,968 domains found using Blogger
Z-BlogPHP: Total 32,461 domains found using Z-BlogPHP
BoldGrid: Total 14,242 domains found using BoldGrid
Medium: Total 9,798 domains found using Medium
Movable Type: Total 7,145 domains found using Movable Type
TypePad: Total 4,139 domains found using TypePad
Livedoor: Total 2,691 domains found using Livedoor
LiveJournal: Total 1,770 domains found using LiveJournal
Mura CMS: Total 1,760 domains found using Mura CMS


Typecho is Blogs.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Typecho. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Typecho through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 3,394 live websites that currently use Typecho.
Typecho has 0.53% market share in Blogs.
The primary competing technologies to Typecho are Tumblr, Blogger, Z-BlogPHP, and BoldGrid.
Typecho contains multiple known security vulnerabilities, including CVE-2024-35538, CVE-2024-35539, CVE-2023-6615, and CVE-2023-49967.