
Category - jQuery Plugins

The simplest little slider.

We have discovered  42,081 live websites   that are using Unslider.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Unslider42,081 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in jQuery Plugins#112
Market penetration in jQuery Plugins0.28%
Most popular version2.0.3

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Unslider usage.
Websites that added Unslider 1,710
Websites that dropped Unslider 1,540
Websites that changed version of Unslider  215

Available Reports

Technology Information

Major Versions

  • 2.xx (6 subversions, 458 domains)
  • 1.xx (32 subversions, 324 domains)
  • 0.xx (5 subversions, 7 domains)

Unslider usage by Country

United States14,755 websites

China7,780 websites
Germany3,061 websites
GB1,984 websites
France1,417 websites
Hong Kong1,329 websites
Netherlands855 websites
Poland843 websites
Czech Republic776 websites
Russia713 websites

Unslider usage by TLD

.com21,125 websites
.cn2,062 websites
.de1,738 websites
.co.uk1,525 websites
.org1,234 websites
.net1,173 websites
.nl872 websites
.com.au692 websites
.pl672 websites
.cz669 websites

Unslider Versions

sorted by popularity
2.0.3387 websites
267 websites
1.4.766 websites
1.4.1053 websites
153 websites
1.0.232 websites
1.0.627 websites
1.4.621 websites
1.4914 websites
1.18510 websites

See all Unslider versions ...

Websites utilizing Unslider

Top websites that use Unslider
iabeurope.eu United States4,429
iabtechlab.com United States6,910
kensingtonmorocco.com United States9,001
nicenic.net United States18,287
scala-lang.org United States18,780
geospatialworld.net United States20,074
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

imagesLoaded: Total 3,282,324 domains found using imagesLoaded
jQuery Waypoints: Total 2,334,295 domains found using jQuery Waypoints
jquery-easing: Total 1,954,488 domains found using jquery-easing
FlexSlider: Total 1,938,533 domains found using FlexSlider
Magnific Popup: Total 1,890,851 domains found using Magnific Popup
fancyBox: Total 1,849,124 domains found using fancyBox
jQuery NoConflict: Total 1,677,867 domains found using jQuery NoConflict
fitvids: Total 1,450,006 domains found using fitvids
jQuery Validation Plugin: Total 1,376,522 domains found using jQuery Validation Plugin
jQuery hoverIntent: Total 1,150,881 domains found using jQuery hoverIntent


Unslider is jQuery Plugins.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Unslider. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Unslider through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 42,081 live websites that currently use Unslider.
The primary competing technologies to Unslider are imagesLoaded, jQuery Waypoints, jquery-easing, and FlexSlider.