
Category - Social share

UpToLike widget create social activity buttons

We have discovered  26,771 live websites   that are using UpToLike.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using UpToLike26,771 websites
Most popular in the country Russia
Market position in Social share#12
Market share in Social share1.08%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in UpToLike usage.
Websites that added UpToLike 1,394
Websites that dropped UpToLike 917

Available Reports

Technology Information

UpToLike usage by Country

United States1,604 websites

Russia21,402 websites
Ukraine1,056 websites
Germany699 websites
Belarus384 websites
France369 websites
Kazakhstan211 websites
Tokelau165 websites
GB151 websites
Netherlands122 websites

UpToLike usage by TLD

.ru20,150 websites
.com1,849 websites
.xn--p1ai636 websites
.com.ua569 websites
.net485 websites
.by358 websites
.org356 websites
.su339 websites
.info284 websites
.kz198 websites

Websites utilizing UpToLike

Top websites that use UpToLike
ulogin.ru Russia5,638
walkservice.ru Russia11,448
megatimer.ru Russia18,562
averin.pro United States27,822
blog.albato.ru Russia62,500
dimox.name Russia63,832
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Baidu Share: Total 936,044 domains found using Baidu Share
Facebook Like Button: Total 721,791 domains found using Facebook Like Button
Facebook Sharer: Total 183,107 domains found using Facebook Sharer
UltimatelySocial: Total 81,100 domains found using UltimatelySocial
Monarch Social Sharing Plugin: Total 77,200 domains found using Monarch Social Sharing Plugin
Sassy Social Share: Total 65,720 domains found using Sassy Social Share
Linktree: Total 60,572 domains found using Linktree
Simple Share Buttons Adder: Total 40,047 domains found using Simple Share Buttons Adder
Shareaholic: Total 27,852 domains found using Shareaholic
Ocean Social Sharing: Total 27,683 domains found using Ocean Social Sharing


UpToLike is Social share.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including UpToLike. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing UpToLike through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 26,771 live websites that currently use UpToLike.
UpToLike has 1.08% market share in Social share.
The primary competing technologies to UpToLike are Baidu Share, Facebook Like Button, Facebook Sharer, and UltimatelySocial.