Wix Cashier

Category - Wix Plugins

We have discovered  574,890 live websites   that are using Wix Cashier.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Wix Cashier574,890 websites
Most popular in the country Israel
Market position in Wix Plugins#10
Market penetration in Wix Plugins33.17%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Wix Cashier usage.
Websites that added Wix Cashier 17,045
Websites that dropped Wix Cashier 3,808

Available Reports

Technology Information

Wix Cashier usage by Country

United States67,488 websites

Israel457,261 websites
Germany7,687 websites
GB7,682 websites
Switzerland4,344 websites
Brazil3,305 websites
Australia2,993 websites
Italy2,577 websites
Netherlands2,069 websites
France1,723 websites

Wix Cashier usage by TLD

.com349,347 websites
.org47,456 websites
.co.uk27,231 websites
.net13,836 websites
.de12,667 websites
.com.au11,603 websites
.com.br10,187 websites
.ch8,843 websites
.ca8,832 websites
.fr7,571 websites

Websites utilizing Wix Cashier

Top websites that use Wix Cashier
wix.com Israel132
dodocasevr.com United States4,890
public.iotechnologies.com United States7,366
shuttlerock.com United States10,764
newacropolis.org.il Israel11,166
brhg.net Israel11,433
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Wix Forms and Payments: Total 1,618,661 domains found using Wix Forms and Payments
Wix Pro Gallery: Total 1,071,765 domains found using Wix Pro Gallery
Wix Chat: Total 784,003 domains found using Wix Chat
Wix Member Account Info: Total 755,299 domains found using Wix Member Account Info
Wix Members Area: Total 745,322 domains found using Wix Members Area
Wix Profile Card: Total 742,908 domains found using Wix Profile Card
Wix Blog: Total 737,985 domains found using Wix Blog
Wix Recurring Invoices: Total 691,593 domains found using Wix Recurring Invoices
Wix Bookings: Total 581,781 domains found using Wix Bookings
Wix My Wallet: Total 573,556 domains found using Wix My Wallet


Wix Cashier is Wix Plugins.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including Wix Cashier. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing Wix Cashier through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 574,890 live websites that currently use Wix Cashier.
The primary competing technologies to Wix Cashier are Wix Forms and Payments, Wix Pro Gallery, Wix Chat, and Wix Member Account Info.