WordPress Hosting

Category - Web Hosting

We have discovered  6,756 live websites   that are using WordPress Hosting.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using WordPress Hosting6,756 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Web Hosting#182
Market share in Web Hosting<0.1%

Technology adoption

Recent changes in WordPress Hosting usage.
Websites that added WordPress Hosting 2,008
Websites that dropped WordPress Hosting 72

Available Reports

Alternative Names

  • WordPress VIP

Technology Information

WordPress Hosting usage by Country

United States6,562 websites

Australia48 websites
GB37 websites
Italy28 websites
Canada15 websites
New Zealand10 websites
Germany8 websites
Netherlands6 websites
Portugal6 websites
France5 websites

WordPress Hosting usage by TLD

.com5,202 websites
.com.au256 websites
.org234 websites
.co.uk215 websites
.net131 websites
.ca78 websites
.edu54 websites
.it49 websites
.co.nz47 websites
.de40 websites

Websites utilizing WordPress Hosting

Top websites that use WordPress Hosting
techcrunch.com United States697
woocommerce.com United States698
nielsen.com United States723
pewresearch.org United States1,147
venturebeat.com United States1,631
adweek.com United States1,674
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Amazon Hosting: Total 9,942,035 domains found using Amazon Hosting
GoDaddy Hosting: Total 6,163,161 domains found using GoDaddy Hosting
OVH Hosting: Total 2,054,253 domains found using OVH Hosting
Wix Hosting: Total 1,964,142 domains found using Wix Hosting
Ionos Hosting: Total 1,898,310 domains found using Ionos Hosting
Hetzner Hosting: Total 1,678,769 domains found using Hetzner Hosting
Ionos DNS: Total 1,643,561 domains found using Ionos DNS
Squarespace Hosted: Total 1,279,941 domains found using Squarespace Hosted
UnifiedLayers Hosting: Total 911,400 domains found using UnifiedLayers Hosting
Strato Hosting: Total 747,769 domains found using Strato Hosting


WordPress Hosting is Web Hosting.
WebTechSurvey continually and systematically explores the internet, indexing technologies employed by websites, including WordPress Hosting. Our clients can obtain listings of websites utilizing WordPress Hosting through WebTechSurvey's platform.
There are 6,756 live websites that currently use WordPress Hosting.
WordPress Hosting has <0.1% market share in Web Hosting.
The primary competing technologies to WordPress Hosting are Amazon Hosting, GoDaddy Hosting, OVH Hosting, and Wix Hosting.