
website information and technology stack
Web technologies detected on this domain35 technologies
Web technologies detected across all mercedes-benz-frick.ch subdomains39 technologies
Website rank2,361,344
Website Location Switzerland
LanguageGerman (Deutsch)
Last technology updateMarch, 2024
Added technologies in the last 3 months1
Dropped technologies in the last 3 months1
Total mercedes-benz-frick.ch subdomain count1 subdomain
Top ranking subdomain www.mercedes-benz-frick.ch (Rank: 2,361,344)
IP Address23.214.170.75
IP Lookup14 websites share IP address.
Autonomous System Number (ASN)AS20940 (AKAMAI-ASN1)
Total linking domains7 domains
Total linking IP7 IPs
Certificate IssuerLet's Encrypt
Tag IdsGTM-5WS2663

Technology Stack

List of 10 detected technologies used on the website (out of 35 total).

Change History

List of 6 detected changes in the website technology stack within the last 3 months (out of 2 total).
TechnologyTechnology TypeVersionChangeDate
Google AdsAdvertising Networks AddedMar, 2024
Adobe TargetA/B Testing DroppedFeb, 2024

Uncommon response headers

List of uncommon response headers that were used by the website.
Permissions-Policyaccelerometer=*, ambient-light-sensor=(), autoplay=*, battery=(), camera=*, cross-origin-isolated=*, display-capture=(), document-domain=*, encrypted-media=*, execution-while-not-rendered=*, execution-while-out-of-viewport=*, fullscreen=*, geolocation=*,
X-NodeIDdow-prod-publish-1 - t=1709425179834234 D=4714