Autonomous System Number 13213

We have discovered  18,938 live websites that are hosted on AS13213.

AS13213 usage statistics

Websites hosted on AS1321318,938 websites
Most popular in the country GB
AS13213 websites located in GB92.53%

Websites hosted on AS13213

Top websites that are hosted on AS13213
See full domain list

Geographical Distribution

AS13213 usage distribution by websites across the globe.


United States131 websites

GB17,523 websites
Netherlands187 websites
Brazil166 websites
Italy99 websites
Ireland85 websites
Spain68 websites
Germany68 websites
India67 websites
Switzerland47 websites


.co.uk8,026 websites
.com6,711 websites
.org743 websites
.org.uk722 websites
.net696 websites
.nl186 websites
.com.br176 websites
.info130 websites
.co89 websites
.it84 websites