Autonomous System Number 205072

We have discovered  6,162 live websites that are hosted on AS205072.

AS205072 usage statistics

Websites hosted on AS2050726,162 websites
Most popular in the country GB
AS205072 websites located in GB96.11%

Websites hosted on AS205072

Top websites that are hosted on AS205072
See full domain list

Geographical Distribution

AS205072 usage distribution by websites across the globe.


United States23 websites

GB5,922 websites
South Africa35 websites
Netherlands20 websites
Spain20 websites
France15 websites
Ireland13 websites
Australia13 websites
Germany12 websites
Brazil7 websites


.co.uk3,331 websites
.com1,875 websites
.org.uk245 websites
.org153 websites
.net104 websites
.io52 websites
.info25 websites
.nl20 websites
.es16 websites
.com.au14 websites