Autonomous System Number 24994

We have discovered  21,158 live websites that are hosted on AS24994.

AS24994 usage statistics

Websites hosted on AS2499421,158 websites
Most popular in the country Italy
AS24994 websites located in Italy98.86%

Websites hosted on AS24994

Top websites that are hosted on AS24994
See full domain list

Geographical Distribution

AS24994 usage distribution by websites across the globe.


United States8 websites

Italy20,916 websites
France37 websites
Switzerland33 websites
Germany30 websites
GB25 websites
Spain20 websites
Russia14 websites
United Arab Emirates6 websites
Netherlands6 websites


.it13,558 websites
.com5,380 websites
.net696 websites
.eu444 websites
.org379 websites
.info105 websites
.fr40 websites
.ch36 websites
.de36 websites
.es22 websites