Autonomous System Number 3242

We have discovered  3,970 live websites that are hosted on AS3242.

AS3242 usage statistics

Websites hosted on AS32423,970 websites
Most popular in the country Italy
AS3242 websites located in Italy95.49%

Websites hosted on AS3242

Top websites that are hosted on AS3242
See full domain list


United States4 websites

Italy3,791 websites
Switzerland35 websites
France20 websites
Spain14 websites
GB10 websites
Germany10 websites
Rwanda4 websites
Belgium3 websites
Bolivia2 websites


.it2,629 websites
.com810 websites
.net116 websites
.eu102 websites
.org73 websites
.ch35 websites
.fr24 websites
.info18 websites
.es17 websites
.de15 websites