Autonomous System Number 34931

We have discovered  22,780 live websites that are hosted on AS34931.

AS34931 usage statistics

Websites hosted on AS3493122,780 websites
Most popular in the country GB
AS34931 websites located in GB90.22%

Websites hosted on AS34931

Top websites that are hosted on AS34931
See full domain list

Geographical Distribution

AS34931 usage distribution by websites across the globe.


United States104 websites

GB20,551 websites
Italy251 websites
Poland182 websites
South Africa147 websites
India109 websites
Brazil105 websites
Zimbabwe84 websites
Greece74 websites
Kenya72 websites


.co.uk11,179 websites
.com6,438 websites
.org.uk1,054 websites
.org691 websites
.net435 websites
.it195 websites
.pl130 websites
.com.br100 websites
.eu86 websites
.info75 websites