
Prototype Pollution

This affects the package swiper before 6.5.1.

We have discovered 1,496,708 live websites that are affected by CVE-2021-23370.

Contact us to get more info

Affected Software

Product  Swiper
Category JavaScript Libraries
Vulnerable Versions
  • from 0 before 6.5.1
Total Vulnerable Versions393
Vulnerable Domains1,496,708 live websites (67.83% of Swiper install base)

Distribution by Website Rank

The diagram provides a graphic representation of the correlation between the occurrence of CVE-2021-23370 and the relative popularity of websites


  • Published - Apr 12, 2021
  • Updated - Apr 12, 2021


  • zpbrent(zhou
  • peng@shu)


United States373,992 websites

Germany119,238 websites
France81,100 websites
GB66,974 websites
Italy59,669 websites
Netherlands52,862 websites
Japan50,010 websites
Brazil48,020 websites
Spain46,321 websites
China36,636 websites


.com639,066 websites
.de80,159 websites
.org59,470 websites
.nl44,403 websites
.com.br41,764 websites
.it39,883 websites
.co.uk38,778 websites
.fr34,752 websites
.net32,430 websites
.pl25,199 websites

Vulnerable Versions

Vulnerable versions are highlighted in red

Geographical Distribution

The distribution of websites across the globe that are exposed to CVE-2021-23370 through included software libraries and plugins.


Websites affected by CVE-2021-23370

Top websites that are affected by CVE-2021-23370. Please click on the "Contact us" button above to get more information.
******.org United States***
***.*****.com United States***
***.***.br Brazil***
***.*****.com United States***
*********.com China*,***
***.***.com United States*,***
***.*******.jp Japan*,***
***.*********.com United States*,***
****.*********.com United States*,***
***.******.io United States*,***
See full domain list